Home FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can I place items on a grave site?
Certain items are allowed on graves, but are approved on a case by case request by the City Sexton. Please contact the City Sexton via email or call 989-348-2131.
How can I purchase a cemetery lot?
Please contact our Cemetery Department at 989-348-2131 or stop at City Hall 1020 City Blvd Grayling MI 49738 and speak with our Cemetery Department to purchase cemetery lots.
How do I locate a grave in the cemetery?
Please use the data base located on the Cemetery page or contact the sexton at 989-348-2131.
What are the Rules for the City/Township Cemetery?
Please review the list of the Cemetery Rules, if you have further questions, please call the Cemetery Sexton at 989-348-2131 x 103.
When is Cemetery Clean up?
Cemetery clean up happens twice a year. Once in the spring and once in the fall. Dates depend on weather, so please keep checking back for more information.
spring clean up:
Is generally scheduled during the month of April.
FALL clean up:
Is generally scheduled during the month of October (Fall 2024 Cemetery Clean-up).
The City would like to thank everyone for their understanding and cooperation during this process.
How do I appeal my Assessed Value?
Assessment change notices are sent out the end of February. Your notice will indicate the dates and times of the March Board of Review. The March Board of Review is held at the City of Grayling 1020 City Blvd. Grayling MI 49738. It is a good idea to bring supporting documentation when appealing your assessment. This can obtained by bringing in an appraisal and/or copies of sales of properties similar to yours.
How do I change my mailing address?
The City Assessor maintains mailing addresses for all properties within the City of Grayling. You may send a written request by email, mail: City of Grayling 1020 City Blvd Grayling MI 49738 or call: 989-348-2131 ext 120.
What is a Conditional Rescission?
A conditional rescission allows an owner to continue to receive a principle residence exemption on your previous Michigan property and your current Michigan property simultaneously for up to three years if certain criteria are met. The previous principal residence cannot be occupied, is for sale, is not leased and not used for any business or commercial purpose. Details regarding this form are available at the Michigan Department of Treasury's website or call 517-575-1950.
What is a Principal Residence Exemption and how do I know if I have one?
A Principal Residence Exemption is an exemption from school operating taxes, being up 18 mills. To qualify, you must be a Michigan resident that owns and occupies the property as their principal residence and must file a timely affidavit with the City Assessor. you may also file an affidavit for any vacant properties contiguous to your principal residence, providing a separate affidavit is filed for each parcel. The deadline for filing is June 1 or November 1, depending on when the 18 mills are levied. The exemption percentage is displayed on your summer and winter tax billing statements, as well as your assessment change notice.
What is Assessed Value?
Assessed value is 50% of the true cash value, being synonymous with the market value of the property. The value is established through mass appraisal techniques and data entry of sales within the neighborhood or neighborhoods similar to the City of Grayling.
What is Capped Value?
The capped value is the previous years taxable value multiplied by the inflation rate multiplier and adjusted for any physical changes in property. The inflation rate multiplier is set by statute and provided to local governing entities by the Michigan Departmetn of Treasury annually.
What is Taxable Value?
The taxable value is the value used to calculate your property taxes. A property's taxable value can only increase annually by the rate of inflation or 5% whichever is less, unless there is an addition to the property (i.e., physical improvement or omitted property) or the property transferred in ownership during the previous tax year. Properties that transferred during the year prior to the current tax year will uncap to the assessed value in the current billing period, but can never exceed the assessed or state equalized value.
What is the difference between Real and Personal Property Taxes?
Real property includes land plus the buildings and fixtures permanently attached to it. Real property taxes are assessed on agricultural, commercial, industrial, residential and utility property. Personal property is property that is not permanently affixed to land: e.g., equipment, furniture, tools and computers. Personal property taxes are assessed only on property that is used in business.
Where do I find information on Disabled Veteran's Exemption?
Please review the State Tax Commission P.A. 161 Disabled Veterans Exemption FAQ information on our website.
When are Boards and Commission Meetings?
Please see the Meetings and Agenda Page on the left hand side of each board page for meeting dates.
Where do I pay Fines and Tickets?
City of Grayling Parking Tickets can be paid in person at City Hall 1020 City Blvd, Grayling MI 49738 or mailed to: City of Grayling PO Box 549 Grayling, MI 49738.
Traffic Tickets and Ordinance Violations must be paid to Crawford County, 220 W Michigan Ave, Grayling MI 49738 or visit the Crawford County Website.
How do I change my voter registration address?
The best way to update your address is to visit the Secretary of State's Office and update your drivers license, this will then update your voter address.
How do I obtain an absent voter's ballot?
To review the full process on voting an Absentee Ballot, please visit the State of Michigan Election Website.
Or you may stop into City Hall 1020 City Blvd, Grayling MI 49738 to request an Absentee Ballot Application.
If I didn't vote in the last election, am I still eligible to vote?
Once you register to vote, you are always registered to vote. In the State of Michigan, your voter registration follows your drivers' license: if you move and notify the Michigan Secretary of State's office of your new address, your voter's registration will also be changed to reflect your new address.
If I own a business within the City of Grayling, can I use that address to register to vote instead of my home address, which is located outside the City Limits?
No, Michigan Election Law states: "Residence", as used in the Act, for registration and voting purposes means that place at which a person habitually sleeps, keeps his or her personal effects and has a regular place of lodging. A person knowingly registering to vote in a city or township, that is not their city or township of residence, is guilty of violating State Election Law and can be prosecuted for perjury. Listing a business address on a voter registration form is not permissible, unless the individual actually resides at that address.
What is the City's Parade Route?
The City of Grayling has a specific Parade Route for any parade scheduled within the City of Grayling. It begins at Galen St & Michigan Ave and ends at Peninsular & Lake St.
Where can City Residents take Recycling?
Currently there is no location to take Recycling. The City is researching options for it's residents.
Who can request a road closure for a City Event?
Only organizations can request a road closure. To do this you must submit fill out a Multi Use Permit with the City of Grayling.
When is a peddlers permit required?
Please see the Peddlers permit application.
Who needs to pull a Multi-Use Permit?
Anyone doing work in the City Right-a-Ways or on City streets, requesting a road closure, use of City park or pavilion, parades and all events within the City limits. Please review the Multi-Use Permit, Right of Way Permit, or contact City Hall at 989-348-2131.
I have questions about my tax bill?
Please email or call 989-348-2131 and ask to speak with the Property Tax Department or City Assessor.
How can I get a copy of my property tax bill or receipt?
Tax bill information can be accessed online using the BSA website. Register your account to get access to your specific property information.
How do I become a vendor at the Farmers Market?
If you have questions, please contact Diane Burk, City of Grayling @ 231-350-2011.
Applications can be picked up at Grayling City Hall by clicking here: Vendor Application
What are your hours?
We're open 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
We close daily 12:00 - 12:30 pm for lunch.
How do I request a document from the City?
You will need to submit a Freedom of Information Request (FOIA) and pay the fees associated with locating the documents. You may also email your request to the City Treasurer or mail the request to: Grayling City Hall PO Box 549 Grayling, MI 49738