Home  Ordinances - Policies - Plans

Ordinances - Policies - Plans

Below are the City of Grayling's Ordinances, Policies and Plans.
Select the ones you are interested in viewing.


Master Plan Cover and Table of Contents
Master Plan Introductions
Master Plan Goals and Objectives
Community Profile
Historical Setting
Existing Land Use
Environmental Conditions
Community Facilities and Transportation
Critical Issues Analysis
Future Land Use
Executive Summary
Community Facilities Map
Existing Land Use Map
Future Land Use Map
Natural Features Map
Soil Classifications Map
Transportation Map


City of Grayling Zoning Ordinance - effective 8-18-17 amended 6-2024


Code of Ordinance Table of Contents
Code of Ordinance Chapter 1-General Provisions
Code of Ordinance Chapter 2-Administration
Code of Ordinance Chapter 3 - Pedicabs

Code of Ordinance Chapter 4-Alcoholic Liquors
Code of Ordinance Chapter 6-Animals
Code of Ordinance Chapter 8-Swimming Pools
Code of Ordinance Chapter 10-Cemeteries
Code of Ordinance Chapter 12-Community Development
Code of Ordinance Chapter 14-Environment
Code of Ordinance Chapter 16-Fire Prevention and Protection

Code of Ordinance Chapter 18-Land Divisions and Subdivisions

Code of Ordinance Chapter 19 - Marihuana
Code of Ordinance Chapter 20-Law Enforcement

Code of Ordinance Chapter 24-Offenses

Code of Ordinance Chapter 24-Amendment-Fireworks
Code of Ordinance Chapter 26-Parks and Recreation Amended 3-8-2021
Code of Ordinance Chapter 27-Peddlers
Code of Ordinance Chapter 28-Solid Waste
Code of Ordinance Chapter 30-Special Assessments
Code of Ordinance Chapter 32-Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places
Code of Ordinance Chapter 34-Taxation
Code of Ordinance Chapter 36-Telecommunications
Code of Ordinance Chapter 38-Traffic and Vehicles (ORV) City of Grayling ORV Map
Code of Ordinance Chapter 39-Trailer Coaches
Code of Ordinance Chapter 40-Utilities
Code of Ordinance Chapters 5,7,9,11,13,15,17,21,25,29,31,33,35,37 Reserved for future use

New Ordinances-Amendments

Chapter 2 - Planning Commission

Chapter 16 - Outdoor Wood Furnace

Chapter 16 - Fire Charge Ordinance
Chapter 16 - Outdoor Burning
Ordinance Addressing Flood Plain Management Provisions
Code Comparative Table Ordinances
State Law Reference Table
Adoption Page
Appendix A - Franchises
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use


Fair Housing Policy and Complaint Policy

Public Participation Plan


Water Shut off Policy

Run Water Policy

Payment Arrangement Policy

Unpaid Water-Sewer Fees 90 Day Delinquent

Water-Sewer Late Fee Policy

Water Line Breakage Policy

Final Utility Bill/Read Policy