Home  Calendars  City of Grayling - Nature Center and City Park Pavilion Calendar

Nature Center and City Park Pavilion Calendar

This calendar shows availability of the City's meeting room for reserved use. Please use our Facilities Request form to reserve the room for your event.

The Nature Center is located in downtown Grayling at 100 South James Street, next to the American Legion.  Tables and chairs are able to be reconfigured to accommodate meeting needs, but we ask all furniture be returned to the original orientation as when you arrived.  The facility is equipped with Wi-fi and (2) 55" tv's capable of casting presentations from a laptop (not provided).  USB flash drives and/or cables are not allowed to be used with the TVs for security purposes.  Maximum capacity of 60.
Please note that the Nature Center will be closed during the winter months, November 1 through April 1. *

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October, 2024
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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
9:00 AM
6:00 PM
9:00 AM
8:30 AM

our dpw department workED HARD TO UPDATE the nature center...AND THEY DID A WONDERFUL JOB!

Nature Center Meeting Room

nature center meeting room

Nature Center Meeting Room

nature center kitchenette

Nature Center Meeting Room 3

nature center main entrance